Sunday, November 23, 2008

wish everyday was yesterday

this is one blog ive not thought abt and have no clue on wht im gonna write.. coz i dont wanna be the same person evrytime and coz change is inevitable. but anywayz i wanted to write a blog on this line ..its very special to me and ppl who understand me. its not about yesterday as in a day i guess.

we keep hoping to have a better day tomorrow and than wht it was today i guess. but is it really worth it. i mean if everyday was yesterday would it be ok. i thnk for me it would do jus fine. i dont wanna walk into tomo hoping its better than today or yesterday. i would rather stick with yesterday. the day i really know, the day i have really seen, experienced..coz i know how it ends u know. i hate it when i dont know the ending.

the world seems so distant today when yest it felt so close.the people who smiled at u yest cannot be seen today. when yest i felt that i could possibly do anythin, today i feel down in the fucked up..for no apparent reason. and i want the world to know how i feel..i dont wanna go thru this alone. i thnk im just born this way, y did yesterday have to be so good. if yest was fucked up jus like today, i wouldnt have something to compare today to...then my whole life would be fucked up and i wouldnt even know it was fucked up u know...comparison is wht screws things up.

well i loved yest and i hate today... and i dont hope for tomo to be yest but let it not be today..


arvind said...

sigh..the kind of ppl who read my blog :( :( ... veteran wow players who have gone insane due to the constant raiding..hmmm.

Unknown said...

dont forget the strong mints and the tshirt from london...or i'll blast u into yesterday

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what were you on when you wrote this?