Tuesday, June 10, 2008


i was just taking to my friend...he likes to be annonymous..so lets just call him by a random name now...say "varun shah"..ok?...say he's in austria...now along comes a mega rock concert called nova rock...u musta hrd abt it..if not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Rock ..chk it out...hes in a dilemma...whether to go for this once in a life time concert which u mostly cant go to again ..evr again...or to go to see a lake...some random lake in the mountain...now hoping tht whoever reading this is not gay and has a non gay opinion....temme which one would u choose....better still...add him on ur gtalk....varunshah87@gmail.com..and plzzz abuse him till u cant type any more coz ur fingers r bleeding...plzzz...for rock and rolll...i beg of u kind sirs/madams...


arvind said...

lolz....hehe..okok..cool down..its true..i missed a concert for a 30 mark test which was later cancelled..yea..mistakes were made...im sorry anil...i should have never done tht..im payin for my mistakes..everyday i regret not comin down thr and seeing the making of a rockstar...everyday i wake up in pool of sweat regretting my loss...thnk u for reading my blog...

Unknown said...

dont get me strtd on tht ! LOLest... :D :D
rockstar is readin this?? :/ :P

arvind said...

hehe...yea i guess...for rock and roll continues to live on..in him....amen..

Unknown said...

Its the lake!!! tickets to the concert sold out!!

arvind said...

hahah...fuck u puny lil mofo anil....marks were counted...fuck uuuuu...lode...hahahahaha