Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Man vs Monkey

ok...i just had to write about this...real life experience...this time its not about a weird frnd of mine...it happened to me...:(..

i got up in the morn yest, thinking "wow only 4 dayz to go"..and i was in a pretty good mood...humming to myself i got ready and dressed up and went down to the garage and got in to my cycle and rode away into happiness....atleast tht was wht i was thinking....(mysterious background music..oooooohhohohohohooowowowowow aaaaaaaooooaoaoaaaa)...

i went as usual to the campus cafe for breakfast . i noticed that while i was goin inside a few monkeys were roaming outside the cafe...since this was not unusual in IITM, where monkeys and deers are outnumber human beings, i didnt think about it much...it was kinda crowded inside and it took some time to find a place and eat breakfast...after eating breakfast i felt kinda thirsty, u know..the kind of thirst only carbonated drinks can quench..hehe.:D..but here in this lame cafe, they had only appy...so i bought myself an appy and drank 2-3 sips and walked outside..(horror music...aaaaaaaaoooooohhhhhhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooo)

the number of monkeys outside had increased like crazy...now there were like 12-15 of them outside...still i didnt think much and strted walking towards my cycle.
just then agrup of 3 monkeys ran upto me...i didnt see them comin...suddenly BAM!! they were in front of me..3 freaking big monkeys...they sorta sat down near my foot and the leader walked upto me and started making scAry noises. he wanted the appy in my hand and was trying to reach for it...i kept taking my hand higher and higher and he started showing his teeth and getting angry i thnk...the other monkeys were also making these weird noises.

shit...i was quite scared...didnt no what to do...some chap who was nearby shouted out to drop the appy and back away or they might attack u or scratch u..in which case i might have to take an injection..(really???)...anywayz i thght it was pretty good advise at tht pt of time and i dropped the appy....they pounced on it and strted fighting amongst themselves..i ran to my cycle and unlocked it and got into it and almost cycled away....but then i thght...

shld i run from these monkeys..i mean we defeated them in previous era's right???...u guyz remember the great monkey wars of 1750 right..??..when humans defeated monkeys and humiliated them..or going furthur back in time....the first monkey war of 5000 BC..when monkeys fought amongst themselves and a sect of them defeated the other and the sect which won was called themselves "humans" from tht day onwards...shld i just leave all tht and run and betray the whole of human race and be exiled forever...NO..I WILL NOT RUN...

at the same time a dialogue from the Hollywood Block Buster and BEst movie ever "ULTRAVIOLET" flashed in my brain..." im violet and i lived in a world u couldnt even imagine"

i know it has no significance here but i just wanted to say it anywayz,...:))..lol..
coming back to real time, so i turned my cycle so tht i could run away fast ..then i picked up a pretty big stone...the monkey which won the battle with other monkeys for the appy...had climbed a small tree and was sitting on the top...i tok the stone and threw it at the monkey...quite hard...it hit him square on his arm or chest...in sudden fright it dropped the appy from its hand and it fell into a drain...and was swept away..for ever....i cycled away as fast as possible knowing tht i had just won the "1st monkey war of IITM" and tht human race is still in great hands....


Anonymous said...

Campus Cafe rocks!! Good that they don't sell fizzy drinks there :D

Anonymous said...

And Ultraviolet sucks

Anonymous said...

And Arvind is a wimp who acts brave by throwing rocks at monkeys after surrendering his drink.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again! It is anonymous not annonymous :P

Unknown said...

i represent PETA(people for the ethical treatment of animals)...what you did was barbaric....hurting a poor innocent monkey....u shall pay for ur sins

arvind said...

ur not from PETA..dont lie..PETA recruits only hot chicks....and yes contrary to what u believe u are not a female being.... _|_