Thursday, June 12, 2008

song 2 " a tribute: cool fat kid"

firstly ppl hu thght my first song sucked can suck here goes..
"A tribute: Cool Fat Kid" or "At cfk"

there was a kid back in school
who never was considered cool
wht they didnt know was tht it wouldnt be long
until he got his very own song
the gurlz wouldnt even glance at him
nope..not even the ugly ones like lil' kim
the guyz would beat him everyday after school behind the shed
whip his ass and pound on his head till it bled

then something happened oneday
something so magical tht i dont know wht to say
the fat ugly kid grew his hair long
straight and longer than this song
he vowed to be cool forever
with cheeks pink and hair long he marched on

all the people whom he knew were captivated
he carried on, now motivated
multi ethnic chicks followed him wherever he went (:D..lolzzz..)
theres no count on the cash tht they spent
trying to get his attention

so here i tell the world
i cannot hide it any longer
i have seen the cool fat kid
and this is a tribute i just had to write.


Unknown said...

yoyoyoy the songs!! \m/
dude publish ur 2 plat albums....
smile wen ur car is parkd
the skull w/o a head
see i rembr those names !
go fer it

Unknown said...

btw this song reminds me of sum1...
pink cheeks n evrythn perfctly him xcpt the last abt him being cool...

arvind said... first 2 albums at home man...dont have the songs..once i go thome ill do it....and yes...the song is abt someone u know...the cool part is added so tht the song sounds better...:D..its def not true...

Anonymous said...

lol.. awesome stuff man..